Realise the Revenue Program (2)

The TRANSFORM Realise the Revenue Program is a series of dynamic interactive sales workshops spaced out over three distinct days.

The key focus of this workshop is to identify two or three real sales opportunities per course attendee, determine the optimal sales strategy and start executing to progress real business.

The workshop addresses the entire sales cycle, from prospecting to closing deals, as well as overcoming objections and fostering lasting client relationships. With both virtual and classroom options, this program can be tailored to focus on Working Capital, Relationship Management, Payments, or Cash Management, aligning with your organisation's specific needs.

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Download Mark’s essential step’s to sales growth (1)

Why invest in sales training?

The TRANSFORM Realise the Revenue Program is a game-changing move that benefits your organisation and individual team members. By unlocking your team's sales potential, you empower them to drive revenue growth, contributing to your long-term success.

Developed by Mark Swainan accomplished financial services author, sales trainer, and business advisor with over twenty five years of executive-level strategic sales experience, this program shares the nine key steps to transform your sales team's performance. Participants gain valuable insights to elevate their sales game, positioning them for career growth and success within your organisation.

Day one - Targeting and lead generation 

Day One – Targeting clients effectively and defining your ideal client profile. It includes determination of what events drive a demand for your service. Each course participant agrees on two or three target ‘new to business’ opportunities to pursue.

Attendees are shown the optimal tools and technologies to use to efficiently research industries and target customers. Prospective client financial supply chain metrics are broken down and real-life case studies are dissected to work out the optimal way to approach clients with insights.

An approach strategy is defined for each target client including what initial materials to approach with. Training is also provided on setting up the first meeting and the WIN meeting tool is used to set-up real life meetings.

Each course attendee undertakes homework on the target client’s industry, financial supply chain and working capital key metrics.

Day two - Progressing defined opportunities 

Day Two - Course attendees regroup armed with their target lists and client research. We collectively work out and role play how to translate the research into opportunities. There is a strong focus on executing an excellent first meeting and the importance of the multiple levels of needs analysis. We also focus on working capital, payment flows and financial supply chain gaps to accelerate opportunities.

Attendees are then taught how to progress opportunities deeper into the sales cycle. Time is spent on detailing client requirements and how to effectively co-create solutions.

Making impactful presentations that differentiate the salesperson are covered and leveraging neuro science to build trust in the organisation is examined.

The importance of managing negotiations and profitability is also covered off as is handling objections to maintain deal progress.

Each course attendee commits to follow up on real new business opportunities with two new key sales behaviours. This ensures the practical course learnings are put into real life deal action.

Day three - Measuring results and overcoming roadblocks 

Day Three – When we get together on day three, we measure and monitor progress of the identified opportunities. This includes breaking down any challenges or concerns each participant has on learnings to date. Real life challenges on penetrating new industries and clients is dissected.

This session is all about ensuring commitments that are made are followed up and real business is moving through the pipeline.

Strategies to more effectively onboard business that has been won is covered including a step-by-step overview on smart implementation.

Strategic account management is also covered including how to balance time between existing and new clients. The ascending transaction model is discussed in detail as is the client ‘loss aversion’ dilemma.

Overall course momentum is measured and preliminary ROI is assessed. A fourth short follow up session may be set-up dependent on volume of opportunities being pursued, their complexity and length of sales cycle.

Driving Deal Performance to New Heights (2)

Course Content 

1. Targeting the right clients

The foundation of successful sales lies in identifying the ideal target clients effectively. Smartly identify the ideal target clients including determination of what events generate a demand for your service. By mastering this step, you will optimise your prospecting efforts and focus on those most likely to convert into valuable clients.

2. Researching clients more efficiently 

In today's fast-paced business landscape, efficient research is paramount. We will show you how to use analysis to identify opportunities and strategically plan your approach to researching and reaching your target clients. This step ensures you have the knowledge and insights necessary to tailor your approach strategy effectively.

 3. Approaching clients with value and insights

Gone are the days of traditional sales pitches. In this step, you will be trained on a proven method to approach clients, positioning yourself as a value-deliverer rather than a mere salesperson. By offering genuine insights, you will establish meaningful connection and build trust with your prospects.

4. Needs analysing effectively

Understanding your clients' true needs is the key to selling efficiently. We will equip you with practical tools and a four-level questioning approach (macro, industry, client, expected) to uncover gaps and problems, enabling you to offer tailored solutions that resonate with your clients.

5. Summarising client requirements

To boost your proposal conversion rates, we will introduce an additional stage in your sales process. By mastering the art of summarising client requirements, you will present proposals that precisely address your clients' needs, set you apart from the competition and increase your sales conversion rate.

6. Finalising a compelling pitch

A compelling pitch can make all the difference in winning over clients. In this step, we will guide you through three critical steps to craft a pitch that distinguishes your business from competitors, leaving a lasting impact on your prospects.

7. Obtaining a yes 

Closing deals successfully requires skilled negotiation. You will learn three key negotiation steps to secure more business and increase your win rate. Mastering these techniques will make you a formidable and profitable negotiator.

8. Realise revenues through smart implementation

Efficient implementation is crucial for timely revenue realisation. We will share effective strategies to streamline your implementation process, ensuring faster revenue generation from closed deals.

9. Managing existing business for growth and expansion

Our final step equips you with tools to manage existing business innovatively. By adopting new approaches, you will stimulate portfolio growth and generate valuable referral business, fostering sustained growth for your organisation.