Realise the Revenue Program (3)

Are you ready to create opportunities selling into the complex world of financial services. To maximise your success in this dynamic sector, it is crucial to embrace a new perspective – one that allows you to "Think Like a Banker."

Why "Thinking Like a Banker"?

The financial services landscape is constantly changing, and staying ahead of the curve requires a deep understanding of the banking industry, its operations, and the intricate web of technical integration solutions.

Our course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate this complex terrain effectively and sell into it efficiently.

What You'll Gain

  • Banker's Mindset: Learn how to think like a banker, gaining insights into their thought processes, needs, and priorities.

  • Banking Industry Mastery: Acquire in-depth knowledge about how banks operate, enabling you to speak their language and understand their pain points.

  • Revenue insights: An understanding of how and where banks make money, including breaking down the optimal revenue pools. Enables you to sell your services where the money and budgets are.
  • Effective Communication: Be equipped to explain complex banking solutions in a simple and understandable manner, bridging the gap between technology and banking.

Course Highlights

  • Comprehensive Learning: Our course covers the fundamental aspects of the banking and financial services industry, making sure you have a holistic understanding.

  • Practical Insights: Gain real-world insights from experts who have successfully navigated the industry for years.

  • Problem-Based Sales: Master the art of identifying customer problems and tailoring solutions to meet specific industry needs.

  • Optimised Revenue Opportunities: Discover how to identify and leverage new revenue opportunities within the banking sector.

Who Should Attend?

  • Sales Professionals
  • Business Development Executives
  • Product Managers
  • Marketing executives
  • Anyone looking to sell into the banking and financial services industry more efficiently

Your Journey Begins Here

Don't miss out on the chance to revolutionise your sales approach in the financial services industry. Join us on a transformative journey that will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and mindset required to excel in this competitive sector. It's time to "Think Like a Banker" and seize the opportunities that await.

Ready to Get Started?

Take the first step toward becoming a sales powerhouse, selling to the banking and financial services industry.

Enquire about  our "Thinking Like a Banker" course today and unlock your products full potential. 


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Why invest in sales training?

The TRANSFORM Think Like a Banker is a game-changing move that benefits your organisation and individual team members. By unlocking your team's sales potential, you empower them to drive revenue growth, contributing to your long-term success.

Developed by Mark Swainan accomplished financial services author, sales trainer, and business advisor with over twenty five years of executive-level strategic sales experience, this program shares the nine key steps to transform your sales team's performance. Participants gain valuable insights to elevate their sales game, positioning them for career growth and success within your organisation.

About the Course

Our comprehensive course is specifically crafted to provide in-depth insights into the evolving financial services ecosystem. It's not just about understanding how financial services work; it's about finding out where the real opportunities lie. We answer the pivotal question – 'where is the money?' – and guide you through selling your products to areas where there are client problems and available budget. 

What You'll Learn

This course delves deep into the world of financial services, revealing the key options and dissecting both global and local revenue pools. Here's what you can expect to learn during this action-packed day:

1. Introductions and the Big Picture

We'll kick off by setting the stage, providing a comprehensive overview of the course's scope and objectives. Get ready for a deep dive into the $2.8 trillion world of commercial banking.

2. Sizing Up the Global Revenue Opportunity

Discover the vast revenue opportunities that exist within the banking and payments industry. Uncover the potential that awaits your organisation on a global scale.

3. The divisional picture 

Understand the intricate web of banking services. Learn how different components of the product ecosystem fit together. Explore the roles played by various departments and divisions across banks. 

4. Industry challenges. 

Understand what is keeping senior bankers and management teams up at night. In a world where the Banking Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR) can land a banker in jail, we explore the key issues and challenges banks are grappling to address. 

5. The Banks Perspective

See the bigger picture through the eyes of the bank. We'll provide a practical case study illustrating how their services impact a global consumer goods manufacturer operating in multiple global markets. We will explore where can you add your services to bring enhanced value to the proposition.

6. How do you open opportunities

With a multitude of different people all with various senior titles how does a technology provider go a

7. Bringing It All Together

Finally, we'll consolidate your knowledge and help you identify where your business can focus its efforts to maximize revenues and foster strategic partnerships. Gain the planning skills needed to seize the revenue opportunity effectively. Get clear on next steps to realise the industry opportunity.

How will this program develop my team? 

Advanced sales skills: Attending the TRANSFORM 'Thinking like a Banker' Sales Acceleration Workshop will equip individual sales professionals with advanced skills and strategies to sell more efficiently into Financial Services. They will gain confidence in their abilities to navigate the target organisation and environment effectively.

Career growth opportunities: By enhancing their sales performance, participants open doors to career advancement within the organisation. Improved results and a strong track record will position them for higher-level roles and responsibilities. Advanced learning positions them to talk with potential customers as peers rather than salespeople.

Expanded knowledge base: The workshop offers insights into real-world case studies and interactive exercises, providing participants with valuable industry knowledge and best practices.

Networking and collaboration: The workshop environment encourages networking and collaboration among company sales professionals. This presents an excellent opportunity to learn from peers across geographies, build a strong professional network and create new sales opportunities.

Win big transactions faster

Training programs based on Mark Swain's TRANSFORM methodology for Commercial Sales Professionals aiming to win big transactions faster in the Banking and Finance sector

Accelerate Sales Program
Realise the Revenue Program
Think like a Banker Program
Realise the Revenue Program (1000 x 750 px) (10)